When he was just 8-years-old, Ajay was found begging for food at one of our partner’s front steps. With permission from his mother, he was taken in by the Hope for Today staff where he was not only guaranteed food but also shelter, clothes, and education.

“As a young boy, my family suffered greatly. We often went without food as we tried to survive on my mother’s day laborer salary. All my clothes were tattered and attending school was impossible,” Ajay said.
Ajay began the new sponsorship program as a young, shy boy. Education became very important to him and he started having a desire to work in the medical field. He was a prayer warrior in the home and always kneeled to pray for his family and for his community. Ajay loved learning English and learning to play instruments so he could help lead worship.
He continued to excel in school with Hope for Today and continued his education to learn to become a nurse.
After four years, Ajay is now a nurse. He is continuing his education for a master’s degree during the day and working at the hospital at night. Today, he is helping the community where he was given the chance to be able to go to school many years ago.

“Because of God’s love through the Alpha Home, I have been able to rise from the slums in poverty and I now work at Hyderabad’s Mayo Clinic Network hospital. I was always told to dream big and work hard and was showered with unconditional love and prayers,” stated Ajay.
Ajay works at the hospital by helping those who are coming in with symptoms of COVID-19. He is giving tests and if anyone tests positive for the virus, they are sent to another hospital.
“Today, I work as a nurse and a frontline medical worker during the COVID-19 crisis. My nation is on a quarantine lockdown. Each day, we are treating new patients and testing for the Coronavirus,” Ajay explained.
Ajay’s faith is very important to him. Without his faith and without the help of the sponsorship program, he would not be where he is today.
“This is a time for me to serve and not be afraid. We follow all the best practice protocols for safety. It is an honor to work in medicine at this moment of history” said Ajay.
This story is a reminder of the importance of child sponsorship. Especially during these uncertain times, the child sponsorship programs are helping in many ways. If you would like to read more about how our partners are helping, you can read our last post here. If you would like to sponsor a child in South Asia, you may click this link today!
Alicia Stever
Sponsorship Program Coordinator
BrightPoint for Children