When you decide to sponsor a child, you will receive a welcome packet in the mail with different information about your child. One of the many things mentioned includes a favorite food. Some of their favorite foods might sound familiar, but what about meals like Ugali or Molokweh? Today, let’s explore some favorite foods from around the world! Who knows, maybe it will even inspire you and your family to create a meal based on where your sponsored child is from!
If there is one African dish that stands out, it is Ugali (sometimes referred to as Nshima). We have seen children, from Kenya to Uganda, claim this as their favorite food. Ugali is a type of corn flour porridge. They use white corn instead of the yellow we Americans are used to. To make Ugali, you take the white corn flour and cook it with water until it is very stiff and pulls away from the pan. The Ugali shouldn’t be sticky but should hold together. The traditional way to eat it is by making small balls that are indented and used as scoops to eat meat and vegetables. You can also make Ugali with red millet instead of the corn flour. Similar to Ugali, Nshima is common in Zambia, which is always eaten with a soup or stew.
Middle East
If you sponsor a child in the Middle East, then you might have come across a favorite dish known as Molokweh (or Molokhia). This is a soupy vegetable dish that is made from the leaves of the mallow plant and with chicken. One of the most popular ways to eat this dish is to pair it with white rice. The leaves are boiled with the chicken and cooked with different spices including salt, garlic, and lemon. Another popular dish is Mansaf. Mansaf is a traditional dish made of lamb that is cooked in a yogurt sauce and served with rice. The yogurt that is used is called jameed and it is a dried, fermented goat yogurt.

In Haiti, rice and beans are some of the most common dishes. There are many variations of rice and beans and can be served with meat. A popular and traditional meat dish is Griot, marinated fried pork. Another traditional dish is Joumou, a yellow pumpkin soup. This pumpkin soup symbolizes Haiti’s independence and is traditionally made with beef and a large winter squash that resembles a pumpkin. The soup is made with potatoes, plantains, and a variety of vegetables.
Are you hungry yet? Think you will try one of these dishes? By knowing what your sponsored child’s favorite food is and by learning how it is made, this is a great way to connect with them and learn their culture.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child with one of our partners, you can click here to see where they are located around the world.
Bon Appetite!
Alicia Stever
Sponsorship Program Coordinator
BrightPoint for Children